Reading and Annotation: 11%
- Reading, annotation, and posting (below) are the backbone of your grade
- Annotation Guidelines Here
Blog Post Check-ins (12): 24%
- Shorter, check-in posts (250+ words)
- Posting guidelines here
- Posts are graded 0-2
- 0 = Not or inadequately completed
- 1 = Fair, mostly completed
- 2 = Good, fully completed
Reading Summaries (3) : 15%
- Longer, in-depth posts (800+ words) (#5, 12, 15)
- Graded 0-5
- 0 = Not completed
- 1 = Poor, inadequately completed
- 2 =Fair, mostly completed
- 3 = Average, fully completed
- 4 = Good, fully completed, reasonable and clear analysis/reflection
- 5 = Excellent, fully completed, clear and nuanced analysis/reflection
Midterm: 10%
- Multiple choice and short answers about readings and topics discussed
Final: TimeLine Project 20%
- Build a timeline of a New Media entity, artifact, or topic (minimum 15 entries)
Summary & Call-to-Action Statement: 5%
- Based on the events outlined in your timeline, write a call to action/manifesto about the future of your New Media context/artifact
Class Participation, Attendance, Attitude: 15%
- 1 point per week based on class attendance, performance, attitude