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Midterm Examples

This semester I have asked  you all for a more traditional essay with multimedia embedded in within the essay (in the form of links, images, and videos). You are also asked to create an original digital artifact to help explain your topic.

In past years, I have tasked students with creating the whole assignment  in a digital format, examples below. To clarify, I have asked you all for a multimedia essay that contains a small/short artifact like the ones below. So, basically a hybrid of the two types of assignment examples below. You will create a longer, more coherent essay with media embedded within the essay plus a short artifact.

Essay Examples: Some of these are different topics or shorter reading summaries that I used to assign but all follow a multimedia essay format.

Artifact Examples: These examples highlight some of the digital tools I suggested you try out for your artifact. I strongly encourage you to move beyond slides* (since you are likely well-versed in  creating them anyway). This is a good chance to try out prezi, timeline JS, or canva for infographics.

*If you plan to use slides, use Google Slides and embed them into your presentation using this short code:


(add [ and ] at beginning and end to display)

I requested reliable sources for your midterm. If you’re not sure if the website if “reliable,” Check out Wikipedia’s list of Perennial Sources